Thursday, February 5, 2009

Meghan Can Now Legally Drink Without Her Parents in the US of A

I know what you’re all thinking: Meghan missed a day of blogging because she got shwasted on her birthday.

Sadly, it’s not true. I didn’t get shwasted. I actually remember my 21st birthday, so I probably didn't do it properly. I did have two glasses of wine, though!

OH! I forgot to mention this: I found trashy romance novels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The good kind with people in compromising positions on the covers! I actually found them when I was looking for shampoo. I turned and BAM! there was an ENTIRE WALL of pure happiness. Now that I've learned the past tense (I learned three tenses in two days. I'm powering through the French language), I can actually understand them kind of! I haven't bought one yet, but I will.

Today I actually wrote a story in French. We had to write about a painting, and mine was an old woman. The painting was entitled "Grand-mère," which is grandmother in French. We had to write about their personality, so I'm going to translate it into English for you right now. (I assume my French version had a lot of grammatical errors anyway.)

Her name was Grandmother. She had another name, but it got lost in 1839. Everyone just called her Grandmother. She looks kind and sympathetic in the picture. She's not. It's a facade.

Before she died, she wasn't speaking to any of her children because she thought they were stupid. She was cold and impatient. She hated children, dogs, cats, doctors, policemen, the sun, candy, and happy people.

She was intelligent and had a sense of humor. One of her sons hated vegetables, so when she died she gave him her vegetable garden. The son who loved vegetables got nothing. I think she was a horrible human being. The whole world was happy when she died. I believe she was probably lazy as well.

Wow, I'm a morbid person. I'm not entirely sure I filled out the assignment correctly, but that's what my teacher gets. I think it's decent for someone who could only say "hi!" and "The dog is brown" three weeks ago. Although, for the word "facade" I was just like, "Hm, it sounds French so I'm just going to put an 'une' in front of it and hope it's right."

I have a test tomorrow, so cross your fingers that it goes well!


doc said...

Your story makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. We must have really provided an abundance of hope and cheer for you as you were growing up.

Is the woman in the picture going to be a villain in one of your novels?

siobhan said...

Happy 21st! I am glad that you remember it--not too many people can say "I turned 21 in Paris and had a glass of wine"

Patty said...

Hahaha You are quite the creative writer!
Hope your test went well.