Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Commentary on French Showering Habits

Thank you everyone for the comments! I love getting them!

My foyer turned out to be better than I thought it would be. First, the room isn’t a double. I have a single, which is quite lovely. Second (and most important), I have internet!!!!!!!!!!! It was a joyous day when the woman showing me around pointed to a box in the hallway outside my room and said, “Wi-Fi” (which in French is pronounced wee fee). Of course, the Wi-Fi isn’t the greatest and has already cut off three webcam calls with my parents, but you can’t have everything.

I also get my own section of fridge. It’s like a mini locker. Now I just have to buy food to put in it! And also pots to cook that food. And silverware and dishes to eat the food.

True story about French people: they like conserving energy. All lights are on timers. They go off after a certain amount of time. This is disturbing when you’re in the bathroom and not expecting it. The French conserving tendency also applies to showers. The water only stays on for a certain amount of time before it just shuts off of its own accord. Now I wasn’t wearing a watch or anything, but if I had to guess I would say this time period is roughly 5 milliseconds. Normally you can just lean on the button the whole time and the water doesn’t stop, but the French are sneaky. They place the button far from the showerhead so that short people have to continually work to press it. I would also have to guess that this is why French people never shower. After taking one shower they probably say, “Well, the hell with that. I can shower next month.”

And that, my friends, is why the French smell.


siobhan said...

Your description brings back bad memories of my youth when Papa came up with this great idea to install a handle in the shower that must be pulled down to get the shower water. With six teenagers living in the house, he thought that this contraption would shorten the time each of us would spend in the shower. He was wrong! We all became resourceful in figuring out a way to beat the system! Fortunately, the shower handle was short lived in the O'Connor house.

Patty said...

I remember one of my college roommates who studied in Versailles for a year (back in the 70's...yikes!!) saying the same thing...way back then!
I am so thankful that you have internet access. That is awesome.

Jenny said...

hahaha. the italians like to conserve energy too...the whole light thing is disturing! especially when you're walking up the stairs in your apartment building at night and the lights go off!! and ya know...hate to admit but the frequency of my showers has definitely suffered because we have to sit in our tiny bathtub and just use this hose thing. but hey..if they smell, we can smell!

Anonymous said...

And that is why the french invented perfume.