I got shampoo! I ran out of my travel sizes so I had to buy a new bottle. It’s the original Herbal Essences, not that new Herbal Essences. It’s the biodegradable kind that’s no longer available in the USA because we hate the environment. That kind where you open the bottle and all the sexy men come out and wash your hair while singing “She’s got the urge to herbal!” (
http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=8gg8xfxRSUs&feature=related) I think I scared Steve (the other kid from Central College in my foyer) in my excitement. He’s a boy. He doesn’t understand.
I went to my school for the first time today. It's very large and impressive looking. As this is my top priority in whatever school I go to, I'm very pleased. We got tested for our French levels again. I've already surpassed my elementary level and am now in Intermediate 1. Clearly, I rock.
Ok, so picture time:

This is my bedroom. Note the expansive white walls. This should not be seen as a reflection of my boring personality, but rather as the product of having no tape to put up things and no things to put up. I suppose I will have to work harder on my goal of finding a Frenchman who wants to win my affection through painting and convince him to paint a mural on the wall. Although, we're not allowed to have guests upstairs in the foyer so this might be a problem. I also think they'd count the mural as a damage and make me pay to repaint the wall.
Ok, no mural. I'll accept paintings instead.

Here's my room from the other side. Note the extremely starving artist-esque window. It's entirely possible that the shutters date all the way back to the 18th century. They have enough rust. I'm pleased that my room looks like something out of La Bohème with the exception of the laptop on the desk. And the Coke bottle.
I made a foyer friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Jonathan, pronounced Jon-o-ton... I think. Well, it's the French version of Jonathan so just make it sound French and it's probably right. He's from Africa. I'm not sure exactly where because I still can't really understand spoken French (thank God I'm taking classes entirely in French for letter grades that get factored into my GPA). We spoke in Frenglish (French and English mixed together), but I think I did pretty well French-wise. I was able to get that he's an accountant and he wants to stay here to work after he graduates.
As soon as I told him I was from Illinois he goes, "OBAMA!" which is pretty much the response of the world whenever Illinois is mentioned. Although, he did take it a step further and say, "Blagovich! Governor!" So we get to be known for corruption too. Yay us.
Tomorrow classes start. I plan on taking my Frenglish to the next level.
I love the pictures. Your room is charming in a hallway sort of mode.
Go, franglish!
That's Ignatius for you. Any decent school has to be large and/or impressive or it doesn't count as a school.
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