Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carnival: Fesitval of Wonderfulness

This weekend I did indeed go to Monacco. I gambled away an entire fortune of 10 euros. At one point, I was up by 40 cents, but I wiped out my earnings in one sweep. I know I have a problem. I've already begun to seek help.

Three of us went to the Casino Monte-Carlo (the site of my huge montary loss), which is the big casino. Right outside was an array of Ferraris, Porsches, BMWs, and Mercedes. I'm pretty sure they have a montary value rule for the cars that are sitatuted directly outside the casino. If your car is under 50,000 euro, it just doesn't make the cut.

I've decided that Monacco is the perfect place to find a rich husband, and have decided that's where I'll look for my first husband. I'll only marry him if he has a yacht. Judging by the cars outside the casino, he shouldn't be hard to find.

Both Nice and Monacco were gorgeous! The weather was about 55-60 degrees (I'm completely guessing on that, but it sounds right), so I didn't need a heavy winter jacket. You should all be jealous. Though it wasn't really warm enough to be without a light jacket, I still saw a topless man on the beach. At least, I thought it was a man until he sat up and I realized that he had unusually large breasts for a man of his size. It wasn't the first time I'd seen a topless person on a beach, but it did confirm my belief that the people who go topless and wear thong bathingsuits (yes, they exist) are the people who should generally cover up the most. Not to judge their God-given beauty or anything.

Speaking of beauty, I asked a beautiful man for directions today. Though I didn't think of it at the time, I probably should have said, "I think I'm confused. Can you lead me there and then I can show you my gratitude by giving you my number?" I'm remembering that for the next gorgeous direction-giver I approach.

Nice's Carnival is cra-zay-zay. The parade lasted for 2 hours and there were little kids dressed up like it was Halloween. One thing I'm not sure I enjoyed was the silly string. There's a ton of vendors everywhere selling cans of it and at first I was like, "Ha! I don't need one of those. I'm far too old and mature for that."

Then some stupid idiot sprayed Silly String all over my hair, which had been looking particularly lovely that day. So I bought a can.

The others in the group bought cans too, but they weren't as smart about using them. They would just randomly spray them at people, but I waited until some evil person used their can on me. They then got a bunch of silly string in their face courtesy of yours truly. Of course, I still had a ton left after everyone else ran out of theirs. It's all military strategy. Nothing like a good, old fashioned eye-for-an-eye theory.

It's a good thing I had a lot left, because this ten-year-old boy decided that I was a good target and proceeded to follow me around the rest of the night. He completely destroyed my beautiful hair, so I bought three more cans of silly string. Don't worry: he got his.


doc said...

Well, it looks like you were able to come up with a new title.

Your silly string reminds me of a kid I have treated. When he comes for follow-up, he sneaks up on me and tries to cover me in silly string. Needless to say, the ladies in my office do their best to help him (by supplying the silly string and by telling him where to find me).

siobhan said...

Je suis heureux que vous ayez eu du plaisir à Nice! Je suis également heureux que vous faites de nouveau en sécurité!

love, mom