Friday, January 30, 2009

Final Day in Tours

The strike wasn't that effective. I probably could have gotten a bus home, but it was nice out so I walked instead.

Classes ended in Tours today! First round down, now onto the second. For the next two weeks, I'll be in what the head of my program (Shelley) refers to as "French bootcamp." It's French class from 9am-12pm and then 2pm-5pm, 5 days a week for two weeks. That's 60 hours of French. I'm terrified of the term "bootcamp." I wish she'd use a nicer term like "French recess" or "French party."

Ah well, I might be ok in it. I got my grades for this session, and my teacher said nice things like "speaks well" and "very determined." I then looked at my final grade and it was a 16.3 out of 20. My calculator told me that this was an 81%, which I'm pretty sure is a C at my college, and I continued to stare at the paper thinking, "But I'm determined! And I speak well!" My next thought was more along the lines of, "If I get a C in the easy French class, I'm screwed for bootcamp."

Then one of my lovely friends tells me that the French never give 20 out of 20s because... well, I'm not exactly sure but I think I basically need a doctorate in French to get a 20 out of 20. He then informed me that Central College would count my 16 as an A, after which I started breathing again.

Dinner last night was interesting. Françoise knows I like crêpes, so she made some for dessert. For the main course, she handed me a plate with crayfish on it. Although they were very good, I couldn't help but think, "Oh dear God, I'm eating my sixth grade science project."

Tomorrow, I head back to Paris and meet my roommate.


siobhan said...

I remember that sixth grade science project.

Bridget Chadwick said...

Hey Megs!
Our French teacher told us about the whole "impossible to get a 20/20" thing...haha great job getting an french version A!! And take the fashion class so you can come home and teach me everything.

Anonymous said...

Hi Megs! I have really enjoy reading your blog! It sounds like you are having a great time!! You make me laugh. Last weekend being 20 yrs old. Love you, Aunt Susi xxoo