Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Testing: 1, 2, 3

I've been using Rosetta Stone in an attempt to be able to communicate with people when I get to France. So far, it's been going well. I've learned many useful sentences and I've decided (with the help of one of my Loras roommates, Caitlin) that my pickup line is going to be "There's a cat on your head." Spoken in French, of course.

I feel that this pickup line will make me enormously popular with all the menfolk over there in France. I feel it will probably work on some of the womenfolk as well.

My goal is to have someone offer to immortalize me in a painting (or drawing or sculpture... I've decided not to be picky) by the time I leave. And not one of those street people who wants to make a caricature of me for a fee. No, no, only an artist who intends to have the painting/ drawing/ macaroni sculpture showcased at the Louvre will do. I feel this is a realistic goal.

In other news, I'm close to being done with packing!


Patty said...

Love your blog, Meghan! I will be stalking you all through your adventure :)
love and kisses from your Confirmation sponsor

doc said...

Bon voyage! I hope you return as a fluent Francophone!