Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Last Post Ever Maybe

I'm even worse at updating than I originally thought...

I'm on my lunch break at work and I've got some time before I get back to cutting things out and taping them on paper (so glad what I learned in preschool is useful. I was worried those were lost years).

Everyone made such a big deal about the immense reverse culture shock that I was going to have when I came back that I was convinced I was going to be crying in my room for weeks on end refusing to speak anything but French and reminiscing about how much better everything was in Paris.

While I do occassionally slip in the occasional French (the kid who works in the cubicle next to me is probably learning a lot of French swear words everytime I get a papercut), everything's been pretty normal. I just transitioned back in and it's kind of like I never even left. Except that I've annoyed several people by talking about Paris too much.

So things I've noticed about America since coming back (which I already knew, but have noticed a great deal recently):

1. We talk really loudly.
2. We actually wear sweatpants everywhere and don't look at all times like we might be posing for Vogue.
3. We have ridiculously large portions that no real person could ever actually consume.
4. But we consume them anyway, because that's how we roll.
5. We're very friendly, saying hi to everyone and everything. I have to get used to that again. Right now I'm passing people and they say hi to me and each time I look as surprised as I would if they were trying to hand me a million dollars.
6. We see nothing wrong with driving to exercise.

I know there are more, but that's all I can think of for now.

Théo and Arnaud (and maybe Ben... who if he's reading this should turn that "maybe" into a "hell yes") are coming to visit! Théo comes at the end of August and Arnaud (and maybe Ben) are coming for Thanksgiving. I'll also probably go back to Paris at the end of January (though only for a week).

Right now I'm considering getting my Teaching English as a Foreign Language degree and going back to Paris to teach. We'll see, but I'm pretty determined to go back there. Unless McGraw-Hill offers me a very large sum of money to stay, which they won't because publishing doesn't pay that well. Neither does teaching... I think I'm just going to have to either a) marry for money or b) write a bestselling novel that surpasses Harry Potter and Twilight put together. Let's see, they're both fantasy novels... so wizards and vampires are taken... I think I'll have to write about trolls. Really, what else is left? And don't tell me elves. Kebler took them all. And Lord of the Rings... well that greedy man took elves AND wizards. And people too! I'll just have to keep thinking.

If anyone has a job in Paris for me, let me know. ;)

Thanks everyone for reading and staying with me all this time. I hope you enjoyed it!